Vitanol Kids Bone Health (50 gummies)

RM 32.00


VITANOL KIDS CALCUIM + D3 is a premium quality formula with Calcium + D3 to develop and maintain the strong and healthy bones, teeth and muscle. CALCUIM + D3 GUMMY also provide a source of calcium for preventing the osteoporosis. It contains 3 delicious fruits flavours and healthy with no sugar-coated.


Bone and Teeth Health: Calcium is essential nutrient used to build and maintain strong bones, healthy teeth and other body functions. Bones act as mineral store for calcium and phosphorous and attachment of muscles. Vitamin D also support bone density and maintain a healthy immune function.


Osteoporosis Prevention: Vitamin D help the body in the absorption of Calcium and delivery of calcium to the bone. Calcium may help prevent osteoporosis in our life when diet deficiency in calcium.



Store below 30◦C in a cool and dry place.  Avoid direct sunlight.


Packing Size

50 Gummies



2-4 years: Chew 1-3 gummies per day.


5-12 years: Chew 2-5 gummies per day.


维他诺 + D3 是一种优质配方的软糖,含有钙 + D3。它可协助补充钙质和维生素D,維持強壯健康的骨骼、牙齒和肌肉。 + D3 软糖提供钙质得以预防骨质疏松症。3種美味的水果口味(柠檬,葡萄,芒果)的软糖,不含乳糖,适用于成长中的孩子,尤其是患有乳糖不耐症的孩子。维生素 D也维持和增强健康的免疫功能。


骨骼和牙齒健康:鈣是用于建立及维持强壮骨骼、健康坚固牙齒和其他身体机能的必需营养素。钙参与肌肉的收缩与舒张并促进血液凝结。 骨骼充当钙和磷的矿物质储存。维生素 D促进身体对钙与磷的吸收和利用,促进骨密度, 形成健康骨骼和牙齿。


预防骨质疏松症:维生素 D 帮助身体吸收钙并将钙输送到骨骼。当饮食中缺钙時,或无法从乳制品中获取钙质,维他诺 + D3可能有助于预防我们生活中的骨质疏松症。


两岁到四岁的儿童 每日1-3粒。五岁以上的儿童每日2-5粒。



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